A Greener Future for Bitcoin
Nexalus have created a Dual-income system: Bitcoin mining combined with a valuable heat energy asset. The miners produce bitcoin similar to a conventional miner setup but using our system, the currently wasted heat output can now be captured for resale to the local economy, to reduce your electricity costs, with the added green benefit of offsetting CO2 output by reducing the requirement of oil & gas.
Lower energy costs will result in a more profitable mining operation, as well as a longer lifecycle for mining equipment. Our water cooled system increases miner uptime, as dust ingress is negated and a more even miner chip temperature is achieved.
A phase change heat storage material can also be combined with our system to store excess heat output for up to 4 hours so that it can be used at the times when it is needed most.
With Nexalus – A greener bitcoin economy is now possible.